Путаница: экспорт слонов из Зимбабве в условиях глобального осуждения


Three weeks after 31 young elephants were exported, presumedly to China, Zimbabwe’s office of the  president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, announced the nation would examine its conservation policies. “In light of the recent export of elephants from Zimbabwe, the government is reviewing conservation decisions of the previous dispensation and formulating a policy to move forward,” said Christopher…

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  • “In light of the recent export of elephants from Zimbabwe, the government is reviewing conservation decisions of the previous dispensation and formulating a policy to move forward,” said Christopher….
  • Three weeks after 31 young elephants were exported, presumedly to China, Zimbabwe's office of the  president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, announced the nation would examine its conservation policies.
  • eTurboNews статьи только для подписчиков.


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Юрген Т. Штайнмец

Юрген Томас Штайнмец непрерывно работал в индустрии путешествий и туризма с тех пор, как он был подростком в Германии (1977).
Он основал eTurboNews в 1999 году как первый онлайн-бюллетень для мировой индустрии туристического туризма.

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