Reinvented Vacation Villas теперь открыты под названием The Hills, Saint John.

Reinvented Vacation Villas теперь открыты под названием The Hills, Saint John.
1 2019 08 13т101316 934

 A new management group has recently completed extensive renovations and upgrades to the former hurricane damaged Sirenusa property. The 22-villa destination has been elevated to new levels of sophisticated Caribbean charm and has been rebranded as The Hills, Saint John. Beautiful vistas at The Hills Saint John, U.S. Virgin Islands Nestled into the hillside above the…

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  • The 22-villa destination has been elevated to new levels of sophisticated Caribbean charm and has been rebranded as The Hills, Saint John.
  • Beautiful vistas at The Hills Saint John, U.
  •  Новая управленческая группа недавно завершила обширный ремонт и модернизацию бывшего здания Сиренуса, пострадавшего от урагана.


Об авторе

Дмитрий Макаров

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