Сегодня Северная Корея выпустила еще одну ракету

Написано Линда Хонхольц

The South Korean military reported that North Korea has fired another missile today, Saturday, May 4, 2019, at 9:06 am, from a location near Wonsan, a coastal town east of Pyongyang. As authorities are analyzing the data on the missile launch, the South Korean military had no further information as of this writing. United State…

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  • As authorities are analyzing the data on the missile launch, the South Korean military had no further information as of this writing.
  • The South Korean military reported that North Korea has fired another missile today, Saturday, May 4, 2019, at 9.
  • 06 am, from a location near Wonsan, a coastal town east of Pyongyang.


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Линда Хонхольц

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