Министерство туризма Китая открывает групповой туризм в Финляндию

Visit Finland’s director of Greater China, David Wu, expressed excitement about China’s decision to reopen group tourism to Finland. China’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism recently allowed travel agencies to offer outbound group tours and packages to Finland. Wu sees significant potential for collaboration between the two countries in tourism, especially with Finland being a…

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  • Министерство культуры и туризма Китая недавно разрешило туристическим агентствам предлагать выездные групповые туры и пакеты услуг в Финляндию.
  • Visit Finland’s director of Greater China, David Wu, expressed excitement about China’s decision to reopen group tourism to Finland.
  • Wu sees significant potential for collaboration between the two countries in tourism, especially with Finland being a….


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Бинаяк Карки

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