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Написано Линда Хонхольц

The results of the recent and most extensive elephant population survey of Botswana estimates the country’s population at 126,000 elephants, a further decline from 131,600 reported in 2014. The report shows repeated evidence of significant increases in elephant poaching in four hotspots in Northern Botswana, which started a media storm last year. This report by…

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  • The report shows repeated evidence of significant increases in elephant poaching in four hotspots in Northern Botswana, which started a media storm last year.
  • The results of the recent and most extensive elephant population survey of Botswana estimates the country's population at 126,000 elephants, a further decline from 131,600 reported in 2014.
  • This report by….


Об авторе

Линда Хонхольц

Главный редактор для eTurboNews в штаб-квартире eTN.

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