Новый проектный актив для лечения инсульта и черепно-мозговой травмы

ДЕРЖАТЬ FreeRelease 3 | eTurboNews | ЭТН
Написано Линда Хонхольц

Hoth Therapeutics, Inc. today announced the company is adding a new asset to its pipeline portfolio, HT-TBI, which is based on scientific research performed by Hoth. HT-TBI is being developed as a novel, point-of-care therapy for the treatment of secondary brain injury (e.g., brain edema and inflammation) resulting from ischemic stroke and traumatic brain injury (“TBI”). HT-TBI will be developed as a ready-to-use drug-device combination product for use in non-healthcare settings by patients and caregivers at risk for stroke/TBI, emergency healthcare professionals, and military personnel.

Stroke and TBIs are leading causes of death and disability globally. Ischemic stroke results from the obstruction to the brain blood supply, resulting in cell death and secondary brain injury (e.g., fluid/swelling, inflammation, oxidative stress, cell death) triggered as a result of the cellular stress that, together, leads to long-term functional deficits. TBIs occur due to physical or mechanical trauma to the brain but are also associated with secondary brain injury (e.g., fluid/swelling, inflammation, oxidative damage, etc.).

The common underlying treatment issue for all cases of TBI and stroke is the substantial delay in medical treatment measures that could reduce the severity of the injury and improve the overall patient outcome. For both TBI and stroke, studies have shown better treatment outcomes for patients (such as decrease in disability) that experienced stroke and TBI if treatment is initiated within 3 hours of stroke or within 4-7 hours post-TBI. However, this window of opportunity can be limited by logistical issues, especially in rural areas and for military field personnel.

“HT-TBI is being developed as a paradigm shift in patient care – faster treatment to achieve better outcomes,” stated Dr. Stefanie Johns, Chief Scientific Officer. “Emergencies like stroke and TBI are unpredictable and can lead to long-term burden on patients of all ages and their families. By providing HT-TBI as a ready-to-use therapy to emergency healthcare responders, sports coaches, and military personnel, there is potential to prevent these severe neurological effects by reducing the degree of secondary brain injury. The statistics of patients permanently impacted by stroke and TBI is astounding and Hoth is driven to reduce that burden.”

HT-TBI is the second drug in the Hoth Pipeline to target neurological disorders; HT-ALZ, another Hoth central nervous system asset, is under development for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.


  • The common underlying treatment issue for all cases of TBI and stroke is the substantial delay in medical treatment measures that could reduce the severity of the injury and improve the overall patient outcome.
  • For both TBI and stroke, studies have shown better treatment outcomes for patients (such as decrease in disability) that experienced stroke and TBI if treatment is initiated within 3 hours of stroke or within 4-7 hours post-TBI.
  • By providing HT-TBI as a ready-to-use therapy to emergency healthcare responders, sports coaches, and military personnel, there is potential to prevent these severe neurological effects by reducing the degree of secondary brain injury.


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Линда Хонхольц

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