Предупреждение о поездках в Ливан: ОАЭ, Саудовская Аравия, США и другие страны

Саудовская Аравия и Объединенные Арабские Эмираты выпустили предупреждение о поездках в Ливан

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were among countries that are now warning their citizens from traveling to Lebanon. The Saudi move was reported by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA). The Saudis who are currently in Lebanon were advised by the Kingdom’s Foreign Ministry to exercise the utmost caution and contact the Kingdom’s embassy…

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  • The Saudis who are currently in Lebanon were advised by the Kingdom’s Foreign Ministry to exercise the utmost caution and contact the Kingdom's embassy….
  • The Saudi move was reported by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA).
  • Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were among countries that are now warning their citizens from traveling to Lebanon.


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Главный редактор задания

Главный редактор задания — Олег Сизяков.

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