Неделя Интернета в Гайане продвигает повестку дня Карибского региона в области развития технологий


Around the world, the operations of cyber criminals far outstrip the sophistication of national legislative frameworks. Governments are facing constant pressure to assess global cyber threats and formulate appropriate local cyber security strategies. Across the Caribbean, governments are building strategic partnerships with regional actors like the Caribbean Network Operators Group (CaribNOG) and the Caribbean Telecommunications…

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  • Governments are facing constant pressure to assess global cyber threats and formulate appropriate local cyber security strategies.
  • Across the Caribbean, governments are building strategic partnerships with regional actors like the Caribbean Network Operators Group (CaribNOG) and the Caribbean Telecommunications….
  • eTurboNews статьи только для подписчиков.


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Главный редактор задания

Главный редактор задания — Олег Сизяков.

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